This Taylor Institute Guide takes the researcher through the essentials of the Canadian standards for ethical practice in the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Because of the unique challenges of SoTL, where the human participants that are the subject of the research are also typically the researcher’s students, this guide translates the comprehensive TCPS2 (2014) for the researcher conducting SoTL research.
Research with human participants is complex. Just as the TCPS2 supports researchers in managing that complexity, we hope that this guide will be helpful to SoTL researchers in their design process, so that their research projects will be sound and robust, and the resulting insights can inform and extend our understanding of the processes of learning and of supporting that learning with effective, evidence-based instruction.
Dr. Lisa Fedoruk, PhD | Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, Cojoint Faculties Research Ethics Board Member, University of Calgary
Dr. Barb Bloemhof, PhD | Instructor in the Department of Economics, McMaster University
Dr. Pierre J. Boulos, PhD | Special Advisor, Research Ethics Education and Internationalization, University of Windsor Research Ethics Board
Rachel Braun, MA | Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Program Specialist, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
Dr. Nancy Chick, PhD | Academic Director of the Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, and University Chair in Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
Dr. Rhonda Dubec, PhD | Coordinator of Instructional Development (Teaching Commons), Lakehead University
Dr. Karen Manarin, PhD | Professor of English and General Education, Mount Royal University
Dr. Ken N. Meadows, PhD | Educational Researcher, Teaching Support Centre, Western University
Dr. Kiara Mikita, PhD | Post-Doctoral Scholar in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
Dr. Jennifer Mather, PhD | Professor, Psychology Department, University of Lethbridge
Dr. Karen McComas, PhD | Executive Director of the Center for Teaching and Learning and Professor of Communication Disorders, Marshall University
Dr. Jill Marie McSweeney, PhD | Educational Developer, Centre for Learning and Teaching, Dalhousie University
Dr. Robin Mueller, PhD | Educational Development Consultant, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
Chris Ostrowski, MA | Research Associate Program Coordinator, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary
Dr. Fiona Rawle, PhD | Associate Professor of Biology and Associate Dean (Undergraduate), University ofToronto Mississauga
Dr. Nicola Simmons, PhD | Assistant Professor, Graduate and Undergraduate Studies in Education, Brock University
Dr. Brenda Spencer, PhD | Associate Professor, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary
Dr. John Thompson, PhD | Professor Emeritus, Sociology, St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan
Dr. Crystal Tse, PhD | Instructional Developer, Research and Consulting, Centre for Teaching Excellence, University of Waterloo
Kimberly Wheelans, MEd., MLT, AHT | Academic Chair, School of Health and Public Safety, SAIT Polytechnic
Dr. Cherie Woolmer, PhD | Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, MacPherson Institute for Leadership, Innovation, and Excellence in Teaching, McMaster University
This guide is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons — Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike License 4.0 International, which permits sharing and adapting of this material, provided the original work is properly attributed (see recommended citation below), any changes are clearly indicated, and the material is not used for commercial purposes.
Recommended Citation
Fedoruk, L. (2017). Ethics in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Key Principles and Strategies for Ethical Practice. Calgary, AB: Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning Guide Series.
View this downloadable summary poster as a helpful visual resource.
Author: Dr. Lisa Fedoruk, PhD
View this downloadable template to support planning and designing ethical SoTL research.
Authors: Dr. Lisa Fedoruk, PhD and Dr. Kiara Mikita, PhD