Learning Module: Adaptable Course Design
In times of uncertainty and potential disruptions, instructors need strategies and forward thinking to maintain teaching and learning continuity. Adaptable course design takes into account the opportunities within a course that a variety of learning environments and technology have to offer to help with that continuity.
Collaborative Activities for Online Learning
Collaborative learning is an opportunity for students and instructors to engage in shared efforts to search for meaning, understanding, and solutions to complex problems or concepts. The activities in this resource can be used in any discipline and modified to suit any course context.
Innovative Approaches to Course Design
This resource summarizes three innovative course designs that can be used in your blended, face-to-face or online courses to enhance the student learning experience while supporting students to achieve course learner outcomes.
Guiding Principles of Blended and Online Course Design
The principles in this document have been curated from current research and scholarship about effective blended and online course design. This is a working document that is intended to spark conversation about blended and online learning and introduce practical strategies for consideration.
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