White background with red, pink and gold watercolour marks and the outline of a group of students in a classroom setting.

Lesson 2: Blended face-to-face model

Key considerations for blended face-to-face

  1. Online space

    Activities can be used for independent study, group work, content review or class preparation including readings.  

    • For example, online discussion boards allow students to reflect, research, review other posts, and respond to a topic over time. 

  2. Face-to-face space

    Learner can gain valuable social connection and experience engaging with the content, peers, and instructor (Martin et al., 2020) 

    • For example, guest lectures, exam reviews and team projects provide opportunities for students to experience real-time engagement and feedback. 

  1. Online space

    Technology can be used to allow learners to interact with the content in new ways. 

    • For example, students can use the learning management system to participate asynchronously through discussion boards, connect with their peers, or upload assignment files.  

  2. Face-to-face space

    Technology can be used to supplement or expand on online learning activities. 

    • For example, learners can conduct project-based research online and then create their group project in-class incorporating the learning from their research to create a concept map that connects the concepts.  

  1. Online space

    Post information regarding academic integrity for students in your D2L course shells.  

    • For example, an academic integrity discussion thread could include information on where to seek academic integrity support or answer questions from students. 

  2. Face-to-face space

    Host an in-class discussion regarding academic integrity as it applies to individual or group work and assessments whether they take place face-to-face or online. 

    • For example, an academic integrity charter could be developed by the class and posted online. 

  1. Online space

    Design the course D2L shell with EDI in mind by including course materials that are accessibleinclusive, and span a variety of perspectives

  2. Face-to-face space

    Provide opportunities for class discussions and projects that include a wide range of topics and viewpoints. 

    • For example, hold an in-class discussion on how to conduct and manage team projects that incorporate EDI principles and create a class team charter. 

Learning activities

Learning activities in a blended face-to-face design should provide learners with the independence and flexibility to begin a learning activity in one space and continue it in another. Align the learning space to best meet the learning objective while promoting student interactions.

Example: Use as an ice-breaker in class with deeper reflections taking place online. 

  1. Face-to-face

    Students bring an object or image to class in response to a topic.

  2. Online

    Students post their reflections and responses in the discussion forum. 

Example: Use as a team-building exercise and/or group assignment. 

  1. Face-to-face

    Students meet in groups to collaborate on a project.

  2. Online

    Groups share their projects online and students respond in discussion forum. 

Example: Use as a reflective activity prior to submitting an assignment. 

  1. Face-to-face

    Students select a portion of an essay they seek feedback on. In pairs, students review each other’s essay portions.

  2. Online

    Students review their peer learnings and incorporate them in their assignment. 

Types of assessments

A blended face-to-face model incorporates consideration of multiple forms of assessment. Face-to-face testing can focus on perspective-taking, argumentation, negotiating, curating, and collaborating skills while traditional assessments that highlight memory and retention skills can occur in the online space (Takacs et. al, 2020).

  1. In-class assessment

    Quizzes and exams to be reviewed in class with group feedback.

  2. Online assessment

    Quizzes and multiple-choice exams can be offered in an online format.

  1. In-class assessment

    Creative assessments can be shared in class with peer engagement encouraged in the form of questions. 

  2. Online assessment

    Mindmaps, infographics, and simulations created and performed online. 

  1. In-class assessment

    Include peer reflection as part of an in-class assessment.

  2. Online assessment

    [ePortfolio] Reflects academic achievements including evidence of learning and reflective thinking can be presented asynchronously through the learning management system in audio or visual format.

  1. In-class assessment

    Group oral projects can be presented in-class. 

  2. Online assessment

    Oral assessments can be recorded and posted in the learning management system.

  1. In-class assessment

    Projects can be showcased in-class allowing for immediate peer and instructor feedback. 

  2. Online assessment

    Projects submitted online provide opportunities for reflective comments from both the instructor and other students. 

Lesson checklist

  • Identify the core elements of blended face-to face design

  • Determine key considerations for learning activities

  • Distinguish types of assessments for blended face-to-face models


Bart, Mary. (November 21, 2011). Getting started with blended learning course designhttps://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/blended-flipped-learning/getting-started-with-blended-learning-course-design  

Brame, C. (2016). Active learning. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.  https://cft.vanderbilt.edu/active-learning  

Conrad, D., & Openo, J. (2018). Assessment strategies for online learning: Engagement and authenticityhttps://www.aupress.ca/books/120279-assessment-strategies-for-online-learning/  

Joosten, T., Weber, N., Baker, N., Schletzbaum, A., & McGuire, A. (2021). Planning for a blended future: A Research-driven guide for educators. [Report}. Every Learner Everywhere Network. https://www.everylearnereverywhere.org/resources  

Martin, F., Polly, D. & Ritzhaupf, A. (2020, September 8). Bichronous online learning: Blending asynchronous and synchronous online learning. https://er.educause.edu/articles/2020/9/bichronous-online-learning-blending-asynchronous-and-synchronous-online-learning 

Takacs, S., Zhang, J., Lee, H. (2020). Universal Design for Learning: Strategies for Blended and Online Learning. Centre for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation. Justice Institute of British Columbia. https://ctli.jibc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Universal-Design-for-Learning_Strategies-for-Blended-and-Online-Learning.pdf  

More lessons

White background with gold and orange watercolour marks and the outline of a female student working on a laptop.

Lesson 3: Blended online model

White background with red, gold and pink watercolour marks and the outline of a group of students working on a laptop together.

Lesson 4: Flipped model

White background with orange, gold and teal watercolour marks and the outline of two students looking at a book together and a girl working on a laptop by herself.

Lesson 5: Rotational model