Lesson 3: Developing online course learning outcomes
Affective domain
Feelings, emotions and attitudes
Open to experience; willing to listen.
Key verbs
Ask, listen, focus, attend, take part, discuss, acknowledge, hear, read
Students should be able to:
- Listen to new information with neutrality.
React and participate actively.
Key verbs
React, respond, seek, discuss, interpret, clarify, provide additional examples, contribute, question
Students should be able to:
- Participate actively in a group by contributing to or building on new ideas.
Identify values and express personal opinions.
Key verbs
Demonstrate, differentiate, explain, justify, propose, affirm
Students should be able to:
- Demonstrate sensitivity towards individual and cultural differences.
Reconcile internal conflicts; develop value system.
Key verbs
Build, develop, formulate, defend, modify, relate, prioritize, reconcile, contrast, arrange, compare, propose, verify
Students should be able to:
- Prioritize emergency responses after a disaster.
Adopt belief system and philosophy.
Key verbs
Act, display, influence, solve, practice, propose, revise, defend, organize
Students should be able to:
- Revise judgments and change behaviour in light of new evidence.
Psychomotor domain
Physical movement and motor skills
Copy action of another; observe and replicate.
Key verbs
Copy, follow, replicate, repeat, adhere
Students should be able to:
- Observe and copy dance steps.
Reproduce activity from instruction or memory.
Key verbs
Re-create, build, perform, execute, implement, follow
Students should be able to:
- Follow instructions to dissect a shark.
Execute skill reliably, independent of help.
Key verbs
Demonstrate, complete, show, perfect, calibrate, control, measure
Students should be able to:
- Fix a leaking faucet.
Adapt and integrate expertise to satisfy a new objective.
Key verbs
Construct, solve, combine, coordinate, integrate, adapt, develop, formulate, modify, master, illustrate
Students should be able to:
- Drive a vehicle in various weather conditions.
Create new movement to fit a particular situation or specific problem.
Key verbs
Design, specify, manage, invent, convert, create, fix, generate, plan
Students should be able to:
- Create a new gymnastic routine.
Additional resources
A video on constructive alignment of learning outcomes from the Open Education Practice Development Project.
Additional reading on how to writing learning outcomes/objectives from the University of Saskatchewan.
Lesson checklist
Write or review your course learning outcomes
Complete the Course Design Checklist