Tyson Kendon

Tyson Kendon

Pronouns: he/him/his


Learning Technologies Specialist

Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, TI Learning Technology and Design Team

Contact information

Web presence

Phone number

Office: 403-220-5337


Office: TI220N


Educational Background

Doctor of Philosophy Computer Science, University of Calgary, 2019

MSc Computer Science, University of Calgary,

BSc Computer Science, University of Calgary,


I help instructors explore learning tools which support the ways they want to teach and facilitate communities around learning technologies. I also share the ways people incorporate learning technology in their teaching and work with people across our community to make it easier to bring our teaching and tools together.

I have a background in teaching computer science at a post-secondary level and have been a part of the University of Calgary community for a long time now. I started in my current role at the Taylor Institute in 2021.

During my PhD I worked on frameworks for artificially intelligent agents to collaborate on tasks to support people. My work left me with the view that we need technology and tools that fit into the ways we want to live, rather than adjusting how we live to affordances of the tools we have.